International Media & Communications Studies |
Welcome to my page. It's just a brief information about me, more personal and up to date is my
homepage in Berlin (sorry, only in german, but you can get a funny
babelfish-translation of it). I also added some more stuff concerning my time in Uppsala.
So if you'd like to learn more about me, check out my essays, follow my links or contact me. |
Contact and Personal Information
address: Rackarbergsgatan 26:111, S-75232 Uppsala
phone: ++46 / (0)18 / 515 881
homeaddress: Am Gr. Wannsee 49a, D-14109 Berlin phone: ++49 / (0)30 / 805 18 75
born: 170576
studying: media and communication science, music science, computer science
in uppsala: media and communication science from 9/98 to 6/99